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Which is the best Mouse Trap?

Which is the best mouse trap?  That is a question that is often asked.

Deciding on which is the best mouse trap comes down to personal choice and how you want to deal with your mouse problem.

There are break back traps which is the mouse trap that we all tend to think of first.  This comprises of a metal bar which is spring loaded and once set is activated by the mouse disturbing the bait cup.  Things have moved on from the old wood and metal type trap and most modern traps are manufactured from a durable plastic and therefore last much longer than their counterparts.  

Trapper Mini Rex Mouse Trap

  • Sale! Trapper Mini Rex mouse trap

Trapper Mini Rex Mouse Trap is an extra strength mouse snap trap. A smaller, mouse-size version of the powerful T-Rex Rat Trap, Trapper Mini-Rex embodies the most up-to-date snap trap design and technology.

1 trap price = £2.46 each
5 trap price = £2.10 each

Snap E Mouse Trap

  • Sale! Snap E Mouse Trap

The Snap E Mouse Trap is escape proof and the innovative design ensures you’ll never touch another mouse. The mechanism is smart, the materials are rugged.

1 trap price = £2.46 each
5 trap price = £2.16 each

Hidden Kill Mouse Trap

  • Sale! Hidden Kill Mouse Trap x2

The Hidden Kill Mouse Trap is an economical choice for those looking for a discreet option for trapping mice.

There are also break back traps that are designed and priced so that you never see the trapped mouse, once activated you simply dispose of the trap complete with dead mouse into the waste bin.

1 pair price = £5.46 pair

3 pair price = £4.86 pair

Victor Electronic Mouse Trap

  • Out of stock Victor Electronic Mouse Trap Box

Victor Electronic Mouse Trap uses electricity to humanely kill mice. Advanced smart circuit technology senses when a mouse enters the trap.

The electronic mouse killer trap as the name suggests kill mice through an electric shock. It is a quick and humane kill and the disposal of the mouse is very easy.  

The trap uses 4 AA type batteries and will kill up to 50 mice before renewal is required.

For those that prefer to not kill their unwanted guest their are Trip Trap Live Capture Traps. There is an argument that these are unkind, as to release the mouse in an area that is alien to them also causes suffering.

1 trap price = £27.60

Trip Trap Live Capture Mouse Trap

  • Trip Trap Live Capture Mouse Trap

Trip Trap Live Capture Mouse Trap is a very efficient and ‘stylish’ single live-catch mouse trap. It has a simple but efficient one way door.

1 trap price = £5.04 each

Trapper Live Capture Clockwork Mouse Trap

  • Out of stock Trapper Clockwork Mouse Trap

Trapper Clockwork Mouse Trap is a multiple-catch humane mouse trap that holds up to 15 mice. It is a winding trap with a clear view top.

There are many different ideas on what to bait a mouse trap with? You can purchase a mouse attractant or can use bait from within your kitchen cupboard, peanut butter for example.

1 trap price = £15.54

Provoke Mouse Bait

  • Provoke Mouse Attractant

Provoke Professional Mouse Attractant, even the most finicky mouse will have a hard time resisting Bell’s new mouse attractant.

1 bottle price = £6.66 

SX Rat & Mouse Bait

  • Out of stock SX Rat & Mouse Bait

SX Rat and Mouse Bait is a powerful rat and mouse attractant for use with lethal, multi-catch and live traps.

1 tube price = £5.82

3 pack price = £4.98 each

Now you know which is the best mouse trap why not read more? What is the best mouse poison?

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